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What to do, ignition cylinder problems

Keeping your garage door safe and secure means taking some extra time inside of your residential property to find solutions to your garage door. Solutions that will not only extend its life but will ensure that no one is able to find their way inside of your property no matter what.

There are solutions that involve a lot of money, and then there are solutions that take very little out of your pocket to accomplish the goal of keeping your garage door safe. No matter what solution you end up choosing it’s good to know the reasons for why different purchases and different methods can mean a lot to you in the long run.

Locksmith Morrow GA in Morrow, Georgia has the solutions in this article that will show you the way to add more to your garage door.

Automatic Garage Door Openers:

Let’s go through the history of garage door openers to show how your automatic garage door has made life easier for your garage door. When the first generation

of automatic garage codes first came out they all featured the same code, which it obviously wasn’t a good idea when trying to protect your garage. There is a lot of risk with having one of the original openers.

The second generation of openers increased their security by featuring clip switches that allowed the owner to have their own combination. Modern automatic garage door openers feature rolling code technology where your remote transmits a brand-new security code each time you use your remote. This keeps thieves guessing and makes it harder for people to break in.

Garage doors are not easy to access, but if you don’t take good care of your garage then you’re allowing and opening the opportunity for someone to find their way inside of your property. If your garage is not taken care of and doesn’t have inspections then the chances of someone breaking in will increase by a lot. That’s how burglars are able to break into garages the majority of the time its due to garages not having the right security.

Install a Security System for Your Garage:

A security system in your garage can be easily connected towards your home security. This is the best line of defense and it can warn you about someone possibly breaking their way inside of your home. The alarm will sound off once someone makes it into your garage not using the code that you developed for your garage. Not only will it sound off, but emergency services will be by your side and be dispatched to you.

There are a lot of different security providers to think of, and to establish the ones that are right for you is the best option.

Secure the Garage Door:

The door that leads into your house from the garage should be locked and protected and secured just as much as your actual garage. If someone finds their way into your garage door then there’s a chance that person will find their way into your house unless your garage is fully protected. Make sure that the garage door locks are secure and that they include a deadbolt. Having one or more locks on this door or even having a programmed entry code, and a padlock is not a bad idea, because the thieves can make their way onto your property through this door if it’s not protected correctly.

Don’t leave the Garage Remote inside of your car:

Car theft is a real thing, and it happens quite frequently, and because of that people tend to not leave their prized possessions inside of their vehicle. For example, its recommended to not leave your phone inside of your vehicle, because the chances are that someone sinister is going to walk by your car and steal everything you own. A garage remote should be considered one of these prized possessions. If you ever leave your car in your driveway while you’re not there, please make sure that your remote is not inside with your other possessions.

Keep your windows covered:

Almost every garage door out on the market has windows on it, and surprisingly some of these windows are in places that make it easy for people to break in. Keeping any and all of your windows in your garage covered with blinds or curtains will stop potential burglars from every trying to make it into your garage through that way. If possible apply a translucent or opaque film to the glass so potential burglars won’t window shop. It prevents people from seeing whats inside of the garage from the outside.

Motion Detector Lights:

Upgrading your current light fixtures in and around your garage will make it harder for people to want to steal anything from you. Motion detectors are infrared waves that detect body temperatures and moving objects. These lights get really bright wheneve4r the sun is down, and someone decides to try and make their way inside of your garage, or onto your property. The light will alert a neighbor and will make it easier for you to figure out what exactly is going on.

Simple Upgrades:

The Garage shield is a simple fix and is literally a shield for your garage that makes it impossible for anyone to open up your garage. It is compatible with all modern garage doors.

A garage door timer is something that you can connect to your garage door opener system, and it sets a timer of when to shut the garage door after a time that you choose so no one ends up making their way into your property after you made the mistake of accidentally leaving your garage door open on a busy morning.

Remember whatever method you choose there are solutions that will make it harder for people to break into your garage. The garage door is the most poorly secured entry point into your home, but there are solutions out on the market to solve this problem. Some of it comes down to easy fixes like locking your garage door. No matter what you do it’s probably better then what you were doing before.

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Locksmith Morrow GA

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Dispatch Address: 6042 N Lee St, Morrow, GA 30260
Email: info@locksmithmorrowga.com
Phone: (404) 902-5122
Morrow Mobile Locksmith